At 901 we spill, 2019

TRT: 19:04

The psychogeography of The Dam: a gaudy architecture of control built into, onto, and around the river. When the water of the river hits into the dam, it is forced to loop back and create a new shape: the reservoir. Situating the human within this land’s scape, "at 901 we spill" grapples with how the shapes of our bodies and the shapes of these landscapes are co-created by the same cultural forces seeking control, power, and nonconsensual pleasure. A landscape of abundance and terror: Water management, rivers, dams, reservoirs, gender, religion, colonialism, intergenerational trauma. What kinds of energies throb at sites of repression? How can we re-map ourselves? Staying with the trouble, my body explores possibilities of movement at physical sites of blockage. We are all bodies living in history, marinating in the present, dreaming towards the future: all a time loop, like the water. All, all the time.

This project was supported, in part, by a CalArts Commission for Sustainability Grant and a Winchester Fellowship from Wesleyan University.